Monday 20 May 2013

Exam stress...

Okay guys so so sorry I've been away, but there's a reason and it's the dreaded exams!!! For all of you taking exams at the moment, I'm going to give you my top 5 tips to stay focused and on track...

1. Study!!!
It's obvious that this is the most important thing to do if you want the best grades, you can only try your best, but an extra few hours of studying will pay off.

2. Keep a healthy diet
You need to keep your energy up when revising, try having as much fruit and veg as possible and drink plenty of water, in the morning you'll feel fresh and ready to revise!

3. Get a good night sleep
If ever you have an exam, you need to make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before, any late night revision will make you stressed and you won't remember as much as before.

4. Balance work and play
Yes it's important to revise, but you won't be able to learn anything if you're not able to concentrate, make sure to space the times out so you revise enough, but also have time to chill and see friends.

5. Have something to work for
I always feel more determined to revise when I can get a reward at the end, anything from a cupcake to a free day of just relaxing, you'll find you learn more and will concentrate when it comes to revising.

I hope these tips will help, good luck everyone!

Hannah xxx

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